In this lab I setup the RedBoard Artemis Nano (Artemis) and ran four different provided code examples to
test the functionality of the board. This included the Blink example from Arduino, Example4_Serial from
Artemis, Example2_analogRead, and Example1_MicrophoneOutput from the PDM.
Code example 1: Blink
This example blinked a LED on and off every second on the Artemis and made sure the installation and setup of
Arduino was working correctly.
Code example 2: Example4_Serial
This example displayed text on the serial monitor that counted from 1 to 10 and echoed back “Hello World” by
using Serial.write( It also required that the baud rate be correctly set to
115200, allowing for that to also setup for the Artemis.
Code example 3: Example2_analogRead
This example used the temperature sensor and read its raw counts value using the ADC and printed it to the
serial monitor. The external counts value varied in the air and an increase could be seen in the video as it
warmed up from my hand in the serial monitor.
Code example 4: Example1_MicrophoneOutput
This example used audio taken in from the pulse density microphone (PDM) and ran a FFT on it to find the
frequency with the largest magnitude. The frequency was then printed though the serial monitor. In the video
you can see the frequency change as the sound changes in the serial monitor and serial graph.